Final conference
May 25th, 2023 Presentations
Hystories technical results
Title | Speaker | Affiliation | Slides | Videos |
Introduction – ways and challenges of underground hydrogen storage | Louis Londe | Geostock | slides | video |
Hystories overall presentation | Dr. Arnaud Réveillère | Geostock | slides | video |
Database of European porous media traps | Dr. Ceri Vincent | CO2Geonet (BGS) | slides | video |
Example of data collection for Italy | Dr. Erika Barison | CO2Geonet (OGS) | slides | video |
Capacity estimation of the European porous media traps | Dr. Yann Le Gallo | Geostock | slides | video |
Material selection for well casings | Bernd Loder | MU Leoben | slides | |
Microbiological characterisation of European porous media sites | Martin Wagner | MicroPro | slides | video |
Geochemical reactivity | Dr. Joachim Tremosa | CO2Geonet (BRGM) & Geostock | slides | video |
Hydrogen Europe’s plan for accelerating European hydrogen industry by Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO (Hydrogen Europe). slides video
Impacts of microbiological activity in underground storages (panel discussion). all slides. video
Panel chair : Cyriane Fournier (Geostock)
Panel participants:
– Dr. Irina Sin (Mines Paris). slides
– Dr. Anne-Catherine Ahn (Wageningen University), participating to the HyUSPRe project. slides
– Dr. Anthony Ranchou-Peyruse (University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour). slides
Technical lessons learnt from European pilot projects (panel discussion) all slides. video
Panel chair : Dr. Arnaud Réveillère (Geostock)
Panel participants:
– Dr. Grégoire Hévin from Storengy, presenting the HyPSTER project. slides
– Stephan Bauer from RAG, presenting the Underground Sun Storage project. slides
– Dr. Annette Lenze and her colleague from Uniper presenting the Krummhörn project. slides
– Eddy Kuperus from Gasunie presenting the HyStock project. slides
May 26th, 2023 Presentations
Hystories Socio-economic results
Title | Speaker | Affiliation | Slides | Videos |
Introduction – Underground hydrogen storage industry | Dr. Pascal Baylocq | Geostock | slides | video |
Role of underground hydrogen storage in the European energy system | Christopher Kutz | LBST | slides | video |
European regulation review | Dr. Gianluca Greco | FHa | slides | video |
Environmental footprint assessment | Jesús Simón | FHa | slides | video |
UHS Social Acceptance studies | Jesús Simón | FHa | slides | video |
Underground Hydrogen storage Parametric Cost model | Hubert Jannel (pres. L. Londe) | Geostock | slides | video |
Ranking and selection of geological stores | Dr. Arnaud Réveillère | Geostock | slides | video |
Analysis of a UHS business case in Italy | Dr. Gianluca Greco | FHa | slides | video |
Analysis of a UHS business case in Poland | Pr. Leszek Lankof | MEERI-PAS | slides | video |
Hystories major conclusions and implementation plan for hydrogen underground storage deployment in the EU by Dr. Arnaud Réveillère (Geostock). slides. video
Strategies for the deployment of hydrogen storage in Europe (panel discussion). video.
Panel chair : Christopher Kutz from Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST)
Panel participants:
– Dr. Amalia Pizarro, Energy Innovation Officer from the International Energy Agency (IEA). slides
– Martijn Overgaag Director at Guidehouse, representing the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative. slides
– Dr. Benoit Esnault from CRE, Vice-chair of ACER-CEER Gas Working Group. slides
– Carole le Hénaff, head of EU Affairs at Storengy, representing Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE). slides
Closing remarks. video
May 23th and May 24th ENeRG’ 2nd European Underground Energy Storage Workshop
Hystories final conference is organized back-to-back with the 2nd European Underground Energy Storage Workshop, also organized in Paris on May 23-24 2023. Registrations are independent. Please visit their website for additional information or to register.