Hydrogen Storage in European Subsurface

Hydrogen storage resource was assessed from trap volumetric characteristics collected within Hystories for EU-27 countries and neighboring countries (United Kingdom, Türkiye, Norway, Ukraine).

The total capacity computations for the 800 onshore and offshore traps include estimated uncertainties for the trap parameters (porosity, thickness, areal extension…) collected from publicly available data. The lack of storage resource often reflects the lack of publicly available data particularly regarding the Deep Saline Aquifer traps as usually these structures have a limited commercial interest.

Storage resources of the traps are sorted based upon the Storage Resource Management System. The total hydrogen capacities are estimated at the country level for the onshore and offshore areas. Please refer to Hystories’ Deliverable 2.2 for further details.

Onshore and offshore depleted fields and aquifer hydrogen resources (TWh)


Onshore + Offshore porous media Hydrogen storage Total gas (in TWh_H2)


Onshore depleted fields and aquifer hydrogen resources (TWh)

Onshore porous media Hydrogen storage Total gas map (in TWh_H2)