Legal notices
In accordance with France’s Digital Economy Law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, we inform you of the following:
The www.hystories.eu website is the property of Geostock, a French simplified joint-stock company with share capital of €1,500,000 as at 2000/12/26. The company is registered at the Nanterre Commercial and Companies Registry under the number 434 023 032 R.C.S., and its head office is at:
2, rue des Martinets,
92569 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex
CS 70030
Tel. : +33 1 47 08 73 00
Publications Director: Arnaud Réveillère (arnaud.reveillere[at]geostock.Fr)
Communications manager: Olivier Dannenmuller (olivier.dannenmuller[at]geostock.fr)
Data Protection Officer: Laure Tiret (rgpd.contact@geostock.fr)